The Art of Rehearsal: Elevating Communication Skills for Success
In the world of acting, rehearsal is a powerful tool for crafting a compelling performance. At NIDA Corporate Training, we believe this process is not exclusive to the stage; it’s equally essential for professionals in the business arena.
“How do you remember your lines?! How can you get up in front of all those people- you must feel so nervous!?”
Actors hear this time and time again. It may not surprise you to learn that one of the big secrets to feeling confident in any performance, is rehearsal.
When an actor rehearses a play, film or television series, they do a lot more than just commit words on a page to memory. That’s a small part of it, but more importantly actors go through a process of research and discovery to give the best performance they are capable of.
The rehearsal ‘process’ is a powerful tool, and the good news is that it can be used by both actors and business professionals alike.
For an actor, the rehearsal process often involves exploring what’s referred to as the ‘Given Circumstance’* of any situation; the Who, What, When, Where, and Why. The same circumstances can easily be applied in a business context. Instead of starting with the question ‘what will I put into my slide deck’, consider instead: Who am I communicating with? How well do I know them? Do I need to create a rapport with them? What might they respond to? What are some of the obstacles they face? What is their communication style?
When you’re clear about the ‘who’, next consider ‘what’ you are trying to achieve in your interaction. Do you want to motivate your audience? Engage them? Challenge them? When you are clear on what you’re looking to achieve, you can then consider what emotional tactics you might use to get there. Actors refer to these tactics as ‘actions’. Some examples of actions are: to entice, to warn, to entertain or to praise.
In a rehearsal room, actors can take their ideas and planning off the page and see what different choices might look and sound like in ‘real life’. In this respect, the rehearsal room is a ‘safe’ space; a supportive and encouraging environment which fosters bravery and constructive feedback. Rehearsal is accepted by performers as a vital part of preparation. In fact, science supports the theory that movement in a rehearsal scenario (ie standing up and matching movement with words), as opposed to just a ‘mental’ rehearsal, leads to optimal performance on opening night.**
At NIDA Corporate Training, people communicating in a business environment are given the opportunity to explore what their communication style looks and feels like as they ‘try on for size’ different communication techniques. Participants learn how to rehearse and refine a presentation or communication scenario.
So next time you have a presentation coming up or a challenging conversation ahead, make sure to rehearse before ‘opening night’. Try out different approaches, grab a friend or colleague as an outside set of eyes and ears, and ask for feedback. If it’s for an hour or even for 15 minutes, fact is every rehearsal you have will improve your performance and help you get the results you need.
Elevate your communication skills with NIDA Corporate Training’s popular courses, offering a supportive environment for effective rehearsal, constructive feedback, and performance improvement. Explore our upcoming courses now to refine your approach and achieve outstanding results!* Konstantin Stanislavsky, An Actor Prepares
** BioMed Central Limited. “Adding movement to ‘dry run’ mental imagery enhances performance.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 20 February 2013