3 Ways to Ensure Your Data Presentation Gets Attention | NIDA Corporate

3 Ways to Ensure Your Data Presentation Gets Attention

Sometimes, numbers and stats just don’t feel engaging when brought into a presentation. In the dynamic and ever-evolving world, effective communication is key. For leaders in the technology and finance industry, it’s crucial to present complex technical information in a way that is both engaging and comprehensive to empower teams through changing environments.  

That’s what we are here for, to help you empower your team with engaging communication to elevate presentations and captivate an audience.  

How? Here are 3 ways to make things more engaging: 

1. Tell a great story 

A compelling story can transform a dry presentation into a memorable experience. With techniques like hooks, building clear narratives, or using real-world experiences, you can make your presentations more memorable, relatable and engaging. Everyone remembers a great story! 

By framing your data and technical content within a narrative, you make your presentation more relatable and easier to understand. 

2. Foster engagement through body language and vocal presence 

Did you know that 90% of communication is non-verbal? Meaning that majority of how people understand and engage with us is through body language and vocal presence. In day-to-day life, we naturally find ways to excite and engage our audiences with voice and movement. Outside of work, for example, we talk to our best friend very differently than we do to a 5yo child. Yet, in the workplace and presenting, this natural technique to engage with our audience falls away and we often find ourselves talking in monotone and wondering what we should we do with our hands.  

Yes, stats and graphs are still important, and we still need to be experts in what we know, but there are ways we can engage our audience through body language, vocal presence and active listening in order to elevate and engage with an audience.  

3. Leverage Visuals and Multimedia 

Sometimes, our slides need to say less and visually make an impact. Try simplifying complex data with infographics, charts and graphs, and use videos and engaging elements that involve your audience throughout your presentation.  

Visuals not only break the monotony but also help illustrate your points more powerfully than words alone.

Elevate Your Presentations with NIDA Corporate Training

At NIDA Corporate Training, we specialise in helping leaders in STEM industries enhance their communication skills. Our tailored workshops and courses are designed to equip you and your teams with the tools and techniques needed to deliver compelling, effective and engaging presentations.

Whether you’re looking to improve your storytelling or foster greater audience engagement, our expert trainers are here to help you shine.

Discover more about our offerings and how we can support your journey to becoming a more impactful presenter. Send us an enquiry today.